# Value Selection

# v-model

You'll be able to get values from v-model in the parent component. The value selected will always be an array. This is the convention most developers use.

<v-multiselect-listbox v-model="selectedStates"></v-multiselect-listbox>

# Props and Events

# Prop: value

The property value can also be used along with the handling the event input or the event change. You'll have to update the bound variable when using the value property.

<v-multiselect-listbox :value="selectedStates"></v-multiselect-listbox>

# Event: input

The input event is triggered whenever the values are changed. It sends the selected values array as the parameter.

# Event: change

The change event is also triggered whenever the values are changed. It sends the selected values array as the parameter.

Note: You're free to use either of the above events (input or change) since both are for a similar purpose. The change is added for a more declarative syntax since it clearly indicates that you're handling an event which is called when the value has changed.